Higher National Certificate (HNC) Construction Management for England (Online)

A nationally recognised, higher-education qualification to enhance your career prospects.

  • Study Mode


  • Duration

    2 Years

  • Location


  • Pathway


SUBJECT TO APPROVAL This course is awarded by:?

The Pearson HND in Sustainable Business Management is a higher technical qualification that helps you develop as a professional, self-reflecting individual, able to meet the demands of employers in the business sector and adapt to a constantly changing world.

You can find out more about higher technical qualifications here:

The programme provides you with the opportunity to gain knowledge, skills and behaviours aligned to the Occupational Standard (OS) for Operations or Departmental Manager. The units will prepare you to enter employment or progress your career with the qualities and abilities necessary for roles that require personal responsibility and decision-making. 

The subjects covered will also prepare you to progress to Level 6 higher education study, including higher apprenticeships and professional body qualifications. You will be able to develop and apply your own ideas to your studies, to deal with uncertainty and complexity, to explore solutions, demonstrate critical evaluation and use both theory and practice in a wide range of business and organisation situations. By the end of the programme, you will have a sound understanding of the principles of sustainability and will know how to apply those more widely in the business world. 

The HND in Sustainable Business Management is a modular programme delivered entirely online by our teachers through our Virtual Learning Environment. When you study with Activate Learning, you will belong to a group of students studying and have regular one-to-ones, group interactions and taught sessions with a team of highly qualified and experienced teachers with business experience. 

We understand the unique needs of students studying online; we appreciate that you may be juggling work, family, and other commitments, and at Activate Learning we are experienced in supporting people in those situations. We have a dedicated team of Higher Education Study Support Tutors who are on hand if you need additional help. 

The HND qualification offers a solid foundation in business aimed at students who would like a broad knowledge of all management concepts. This is ideal for students interested in a leadership and management position with entrepreneurial, employment or academic aspirations. 

Tuition fees:

Fees for September 2025?entry are £6,500 per year for UK students.? 

Please note: Tuition fees are published for the first year of entry only and may increase in subsequent years for new students in line with an inflationary amount determined by the Office for Students.? 

There are a variety of funding options available to help finance your studies. If you are a UK (Home) student, you don’t have to pay your tuition fees upfront. The government provides loans to cover your full tuition fee. You may also be eligible for a maintenance loan to help cover living costs. Alternatively, your fees may be paid by your employer, or we could arrange a payment schedule if you are paying your own fees

Course content:

You will study eight units in Year 1 and a further eight units in Year 2 of the course. 

In Year 1 you will study: 

  • Principles of Sustainability – you will be introduced to the essential principles of sustainability in business that organisations are increasingly making a priority and adhering to. You will be encouraged to consider the impact of sustainable business on communities, and the steps necessary to develop sustainability strategies within organisations. You will also have the opportunity to investigate in more detail the role of sustainability practitioners, who are responsible for leading projects and working closely with various stakeholders and partners. 
  • The Contemporary Business Environment – will develop the background knowledge and understanding of business, the functions of an organisation and the wider business environments in which organisations operate. You will examine the different types of organisations (including for-profit and not-for-profit), their size and scope (for example, micro, small and medium-sized enterprise, transnational and global) and how they operate. You will also explore the relationships that organisations have with their various stakeholders and how the wider external environments influence and shape business decision-making. 
  • Sustainable Business Practice – will provide you with the background knowledge and understanding of sustainable business practice and its operational impacts. You will explore developments in guidance and how this has contributed to the structure of organisations. You will also cover the influence of roles and responsibilities to ensure the effective delivery of sustainable business practice and the factors that deliver benefits and minimise operational risk. 
  • Corporate Governance & Ethics – you will explore corporate governance and ethics and their relationship to organisational operations. You will examine conceptual ideas of ethics to establish the impact of corporate behaviour and corporate governance on competitive advantage. Using management techniques and conceptual frameworks, you will explore the application of corporate governance and ethics through continuous improvement and benchmarking. 
  • Sustainable Leadership & Management – you will develop an understanding of the difference between the function of a manager and the role of a leader. You will consider the characteristics, behaviours and traits that support effective management and sustainable leadership. You will learn about the theories that have shaped the understanding of leadership and management and how these provide a guide to action for managers and leaders who want to secure success for their businesses. Students will look at leadership styles, the concept of sustainable leadership and how and why these are used and the extent to which they are effective. 
  • Project Management – you will be introduced to the elements that constitute a project, the tools available to help achieve the specified outcome and the role of the project team and the project manager in the process. You will examine the criteria for the success or failure of a project, evaluate project management systems and consider the reflective and analytical processes involved in the appraisal of the finished project.
  • Research Data & Techniques – in this unit you will be introduced to the knowledge and skills needed to be able to support the collection, storage and interrogation of data for business decision-making. You will explore methods of collecting data, both manually and online, and the techniques needed to interpret this quantitative and graphical data to produce information to assist business decision-making. 

In Year 2 you will study: 

  • Organisation Behaviour Management – will assist you in developing knowledge and understanding of how organisational behaviour concepts, theories and techniques can be applied in work and management settings to enhance individual, team and organisational performance. You will be able to apply this knowledge in a variety of business situations. You will appreciate how effective application of organisational behaviour principles can be used to explain why people behave and act in particular ways and to predict how employees will respond to certain demands. The unit will also develop your understanding of the influence of culture and of the operation of power and politics in organisations, and how these variables influence the actions and behaviour of people in an organisational context. 
  • Principles of Change Management – you will develop through this unit understanding of the different types and scope of change that may occur in an organisation. The unit aims to illustrate the drivers and triggers for change and how they vary and affect organisations in different ways, including the degree of impact and management’s response to change. You will gain an appreciation of how the depth of change can influence organisational behaviour, both during and after the change. 
  • Environmental, Social and Governance Planning – you will be able to apply your strategic knowledge to different working environments. This will include the use of strategic models to assess the capability and competence of the organisation to meet its sustainable planning objectives. You will be able to establish a range of views of both external and internal factors to enable strategic and sustainable choices and set actions to meet sustainable aims. This knowledge will apply to local and international standards, reflecting the global relevance of sustainability to supply and operations. This will give you insights that can be used for decision-making and formulating operational plans. 
  • CSR Event Management – will provide you the background knowledge and understanding of event management. You will explore factors that contribute to successful events and consider in detail approaches to researching, planning and communicating to ensure events meet sustainability business objectives. You will also have the opportunity to plan your own CSR event and reflect on future opportunities to develop ways to use monitoring and evaluation approaches to improve their practice. 
  • Budget Management – it is important that managers making decisions understand the role of budget planning and control and are able to use these to inform decision-making processes. Budgets can be used to monitor and evaluate business operations and will act as an early warning system when future plans may need to be revised. Information from budgets and costs will provide managers with the information to make informed decisions about production levels, pricing strategies, competitive strategies and any future investments. This unit will enable you to develop an understanding of the importance of budgeting and the impact on the decision-making process in organisations, within the context of supporting a sustainable business strategy. 
  • Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations – will provide you with the knowledge of the different factors involved in diagnosing the skills, training and development requirements for their future employees and for your career goals. You will be introduced to the concept of high-performance workplaces and the strategic benefits this can bring to an organisation. You will recognise that your own professional development is just one route to improving the performance of the teams and organisations in which they work. 
  • Research Project – This unit will provide with the opportunity to engage in sustained research in a specific field of study. Through this you will be able to demonstrate the capacity and ability to identify a research theme, to develop a research aim and objectives, and to present the outcomes of such research in both written and verbal formats. You will be encouraged to reflect on your engagement in the research process, during which recommendations for future personal development are key learning point 

The HND will also help you to develop your academic writing and research skills providing you with the opportunity to develop transferable skills such as communication, teamwork and problem solving. 

Teaching and assessment:

This course is delivered online and will consist of ‘live’ (synchronous) workshops and seminars along with learning materials which you will be guided through and able to complete at a time that is convenient to you. You will learn through research, independent study, directed study and workplace scenarios. By participating in vocational activities, you will develop key behaviours and transferable skills such as communication, teamwork, research, and analysis. Plus, you will be taught by a friendly, committed, and qualified team of lecturers who have both professional and teaching experience.? 

You will be assessed through a mixture of written assignments, group assessment, peer assessment, portfolio assessment and practice-related coursework. You will also be supported with a wide range of learning resources made available via Activate Learning’s Online Learning Environment (ALO), including access to textbooks, articles, and multimedia content.? 


You will have a range of support made available to you, including academic and pastoral support, learning support and access to additional support funds (if eligible). Please see our Support Pages for further information.? 

?Additional study support

Whether you have a recognised disability, specific learning difficulty, or not, you will be eligible to access additional learning support in all the following areas:? 

  • assistive software training?
  • IT upskilling?
  • essay planning and structure?
  • proofreading and editing written work?
  • bibliographies and referencing?
  • time management and personal organisation?
  • revision and exam tips?
  • presentation techniques?

The Level 4 Higher National Certificate in Construction Management for England provides a solid grounding in construction which you can build on should you decide to continue your studies to level 5 (HND) and further to degree-level study*. In addition, the qualification may provide links to industry-related and employer-supported apprenticeship schemes that can provide further opportunities for enhanced employment.

*You should be aware that university admission criteria are always subject to change and remain at the discretion of the institution. You should take time to understand the course entry requirements for the subject, year, and grade before applying. For more information on entry requirements, including 2+1 articulations, please visit https://www.highernationals.com/degree-finder.

Applicants for the HNC in Construction Management for England will normally be expected to possess at least one of the following:

  • BTEC Level 3 qualification in Construction with a minimum of a Merit overall
  • GCE Advanced Level profile that demonstrates strong performance in a relevant subject or adequate performance in more than one GCE subject. This profile is likely to be supported by GCSE grades at A* to C (or equivalent) and/or 9 to 4 (or equivalent) in subjects such as maths and English.
  • Other related level 3 qualifications
  • Access to Higher Education Diploma from an approved further education institution
  • Relevant work experience.

Applications from students returning to education who do not possess the formal entry qualifications, but can demonstrate relevant industry experience, will be considered on merit but would normally be expected to have achieved a Level 2 maths and English qualification.

Credit transfer and accreditation of prior learning: Applicants with prior certificated or experiential learning may be admitted with credit for up to a maximum of 120 credits at Level 4.

All applicants will be interviewed prior to a decision being made.

English language requirements: To ensure that each applicant can demonstrate their capability to learn and be assessed at the relevant level in English, students who are non-native English speakers and who have not carried out their final two years of schooling in English will be required to demonstrate their ability at a standard equivalent to:

  • Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) level B2
  • PTE Academic 51, or
  • IELTS 5.5 (reading and writing must be at 5.5)

Additional costs include:

  • Optional trips
  • additional printing over and above the £5 allowance provided by the college.
  • cost of books that you might wish to purchase.

We strongly recommend purchasing a laptop for your course.


A range of bursaries are provided to support students through their studies. Further details of these, including eligibility criteria and how to apply are posted on the ALO site and in the student handbook.

Applicants should apply online through the Activate Learning website.

Explore your career progression options

If you are considering applying for this programme, why not explore your potential career progression routes using our handy tool.

You can explore live job vacancies, next level qualifications and apprenticeship standards in your local area. Not only this but you can also watch videos of real people talking about their experiences of working in your specific industry or occupation of interest.

Why not visit us at an Open Event and find out more about this pathway.

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