Supported Foundation – Tier 3

This programme may be suitable for you if you have needed learning support in the past and wish to develop further life skills.

  • Study Mode


  • Duration

    1 Year

  • Location

    Banbury and Bicester College

This Skills for Independence and Work programme may be suitable for you if you have needed support with your learning through school and you wish to continue to develop skills that will help in your everyday life. It will help you to grow in confidence and begin to prepare you for employment by practising the skills you will need for the world of work.

This course could be funded via your local authority if you have an EHCP.

Subjects in the Supported Foundation – Tier 3 covered include:

  • working with others
  • taking responsibility
  • time management
  • career planning
  • customer care
  • effective communication
  • personal presentation
  • functional skills in English, maths and ICT
  • health and safety
  • development of confidence and self esteem
  • skills for independence.

You will be in small class sizes of no more than ten students, and there will be a learning support assistant in each of your classes to help you progress. We recognise that you might need some help to make the move from school to college so you will have a personal tutor who will support you along the way.

Where possible learning will be through doing and taking part in practical activities, in and out of the college environment, and you will learn new skills and improve on those that you already have.

You will spend four days per week in college, studying in a supportive environment where you learn to work more independently and grow in self esteem. You will receive a personalised timetable that will enable you to work towards your goals, and you gain nationally-recognised qualifications at an appropriate level for you.

Your tutor will work with you to set individual learning targets each term and you will get feedback on your progress. You will be assessed through creating a folder of evidence for each subject.

You will be assessed at a level that suits you. The Functional Skills or GCSEs in English, Maths and ICT are assessed by an externally set test.

There are no formal entry requirements for this programme. A school/college report and an EHCP may be a requirement, based on your support needs. Your suitability for the programme will be determined by our staff after you have attended a taster experience.
We are looking for young people with an enthusiasm to learn and a desire to make progress. We want applicants to actively take part in keep warm activities set by teachers before starting in September

Why Banbury and Bicester College?

  • Clear routes of progression with qualifications ranging from foundation level to degree level!
  • Industry experienced teaching staff give you the responsibility and independence you need to take charge of your own future.
  • 150+

    Courses available

  • 2018

    Rated "good with outstanding areas" by Ofsted in 2018

  • 79+

    years of teaching experience

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