Functional Skills English (Pre-GCSE) Online

Uniquely flexible, this online course is designed to fit learning around your busy life, even if you are working full-time or caring for a family.

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Functional Skills courses are government-funded and free-of-charge if you meet our eligibility requirements. These will be shared with you when you apply for the course.

With our professional team of expert tutors and high success rates, you will be fully equipped to develop your English skills.

Uniquely flexible, this online course is designed to fit learning around your busy life, even if you are working full-time or caring for a family.

Functional Skills qualifications act as the building blocks to your future. They are available at three levels, from Entry 3 to Level 2, and are recognised by employers. Being highly fundamental, these can be used to progress onto other qualifications, like GCSEs. 

Available Online Courses:

  • Entry 3 
  • Level 1 (Pre-GCSE) 
  • Level 2 (GCSE equivalent) 

Are you wondering what the difference is between Functional Skills and GCSEs?

Both qualifications are suitable for anyone who does not have a GCSE Grade 4 (C) qualification and would like to update their skills.

If you have not studied for some time and want to improve your confidence, Functional Skills qualifications can be a useful starting point for GCSEs, because they involve fewer hours of study and can be completed quicker. 

All courses run for 12 weeks and are delivered online. The exams are held at one of our test centres. 

You have a choice of five centres to take your exams:

  • Oxfordshire: City of Oxford College, Banbury and Bicester College
  • Berkshire: Reading College, Bracknell and Wokingham College
  • Surrey: Guildford College 

Our courses take place in the daytime and in the evening and are designed to fit in with work or family commitments. Lessons are 3 hours long and are run weekly on set days and times so you can plan around your commitments.

Improving your English skills can give you the confidence to help you reach your individual goals, whether it be helping your children with their homework, progressing in your job role, or gaining further qualifications.

Functional Skills English qualifications focus on the practical application of English in real-life situations.


Entry Level 3 – Topic

Week 01

Introduction to course and look at exam papers

Week 02

Reading skills – main point, Writing – basic punctuation & alphabetical order, spelling test

Week 03

Writing – Linkers & compound sentences & emails, spelling test

Week 04

Speaking – opinions, writing – commas, Grammar present simple and continuous, spelling test

Week 05

Mock SL&C, different types of text, spelling test

Week 06

SL&C test

Week 07

Grammar – past simple v present perfect, Writing – letters, spelling test

Week 08

Writing – plurals & filling in forms, Reading – organisational features, spelling test

Week 09

Reading – purpose of texts. Writing – reports, spelling test

Week 10

Writing – instructions/ Reading – types of question, spelling test

Week 11

Mock reading and writing test

Week 12

Feedback from mock tests and checklist – timing & answering the question



Functional Skills L1 – Topics

Week 01

Introduction to FS and using punctuation- Introduction, listening and asking questions

Week 02

Reading Skills: Reading for information, Fact and opinions/purpose of text
Listening and Asking Question – Presentation format

Week 03

Reading Skills: Comparing texts

Week 04

Reading Skills: Structural features, Comparison and Images
Speaking and Listening Skills: S&L exam practice

Week 05

Speaking and Listening Skills: Giving talks and discussions – S&L EXAMS

Week 06

Speaking and Listening Skills: Giving talks and discussions – S&L EXAMS

Week 07

Writing skills: Format and Structure

Week 08

Writing skills: Structure and using paragraphs/Letters

Week 09

Writing skills: Emails, Reviews, Articles and Reports

Week 10

Recap session based on prep work for reading and writing – Mock assessments

Week 11

Recap session based on prep work for reading and writing- Mock assessments

Week 12

Recap session based on prep work for reading and writing – Mock assessments



Functional Skills Level 2 – Topics

Week 01

Introduction to FS, listening and asking questions

Week 02

Reading Skills: Using punctuation, Listening and Asking Question – Presentation format

Week 03

Speaking and Listening Skills: Giving talks and discussions – Mock and discussions

Week 04

Speaking and Listening Skills: Formal Assessment- Small group – S&L EXAMS

Week 05

Speaking and Listening Skills: Formal Assessment- Small group – S&L EXAMS

Week 06

Reading for information: Fact and opinions/purpose of text

Week 07

Reading Skills: Comparing texts

Week 08

Reading Skills: Structural features – Mock

Week 09

Reading Skills: Comparison and Images

Week 10

Writing skills: Format and Structure

Week 11

Writing skills: Structure and using paragraphs/Letters – Mock

Week 12

Writing skills: Emails, Reviews, Articles and Reports

How you’ll learn

You will need access to a digital device, such as a computer, laptop or a tablet, as your lessons will be delivered via our Activate Learning Online platform (ALO) by one of our friendly, professional tutors.

You will be given access to Century Tech and other online resources on an award-winning learning platform that will support you in developing your skills at your own pace!

How long does it take?

All courses run for 12 weeks and are delivered online. Lessons last for 3 hours. Exams are held at our test centres and you will be asked to choose the most convenient location during the application and enrolment stage.

Our courses take place in the daytime and in the evening and are designed to fit in with work or family commitments.

How you’ll be assessed

At the end of your course, you will take accredited exams in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Your speaking and listening exam will be held online, with our own tutor. Your reading and writing exams will take place at your closest Activate Learning college campus, which includes:

  • Oxfordshire: City of Oxford College, Banbury and Bicester College
  • Berkshire: Reading College, Bracknell and Wokingham College
  • Surrey: Guildford College

Depending upon your starting level, you can progress to the next level of Functional Skills or GCSE English. Functional Skills English Level 2 can be used as a stepping stone to higher education.

Before joining a Functional Skills English online course, you will need to take a short assessment so that we can ensure that you are on the right course to meet your needs.

Functional Skills courses are government-funded and free-of-charge if you meet our eligibility requirements. These will be shared with you when you apply for the course.

Why Banbury and Bicester College?

  • Clear routes of progression with qualifications ranging from foundation level to degree level!
  • Industry experienced teaching staff give you the responsibility and independence you need to take charge of your own future.
  • 150+

    Courses available

  • 2018

    Rated "good with outstanding areas" by Ofsted in 2018

  • 79+

    years of teaching experience

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