Caring for Children Level 1 Certificate

An introduction to the childcare sector.

  • Study Mode


  • Duration

    1 Year

  • Location

    Banbury and Bicester College

  • Pathway

    Early Years

This qualification is designed to stimulate interest and encourage the learners’ understanding of the skills and knowledge needed to care for young children.

It is aimed at a range of learners, including young people needing to develop life skills and those who are thinking of working in childcare.

You will combine theoretical study with practical experience as you prepare for a career in early years.


The units cover both personal development and the development and growth of babies and young children. They also explore:

  • the value of a healthy lifestyle and diet
  • communication and learning
  • aspects of play
  • the importance of building children’s confidence
  • human lifespan from birth to the elderly

This certificate helps you to gain knowledge through observational studies, practical work with children, and a range of classroom-based activities that combine theoretical and practical training.

Combining days at college with placement days in early years settings, you will be encouraged to link the theory of care for children with your developing practice to support your own skills.

Assessment is done through a combination of observations during placement and assignments set in college.

On successful completion, you could progress to the Level 2 Diploma in Childcare.

This qualification does not qualify you for work, but it does support you in preparing for your next steps, either in training or moving towards work.

You will need GCSE English language and maths at grade 2 or above.

Explore your career progression options

If you are considering applying for this programme, why not explore your potential career progression routes using our handy tool.

You can explore live job vacancies, next level qualifications and apprenticeship standards in your local area. Not only this but you can also watch videos of real people talking about their experiences of working in your specific industry or occupation of interest.

Why not visit us at an Open Event and find out more about this pathway.

Why Banbury and Bicester College?

  • Clear routes of progression with qualifications ranging from foundation level to degree level!
  • Industry experienced teaching staff give you the responsibility and independence you need to take charge of your own future.
  • 150+

    Courses available

  • 2018

    Rated "good with outstanding areas" by Ofsted in 2018

  • 79+

    years of teaching experience

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