Even though you are still not physically at college each day, it’s still really important to continue to keep on top of your studies during this time so you are in a good place for next year.
Despite everything that is going on, we are now starting to feel a little more settled into our daily routines.
Even though you are still not physically at college each day, it’s still really important to continue to keep on top of your studies during this time so you are in a good place for next year.
Study and learn online via ALO and Moodle
ALO and Moodle have everything you need to keep you focused. Your teachers can upload work, start live conferences and set assignments, essays and tasks.
In addition, Activate Learning’s Learning Environments website gives you access to textbooks, information and research materials that will help you to study with confidence.
Each course has its own resource page where you can browse all databases and journals that we are currently subscribed to and view your reading lists. Where available, you can also find links for industry-relevant websites and magazines.
For Access to Higher Education students, you can access all university-hosted resources from Oxford Brookes University and the University of Northampton alongside your course resources.
Software available for home use includes Office 365, Adobe Creative Cloud, Sage and HTC VIVE VR to help you with your learning and coursework.
The online catalogue also gives access to over 6,000 eBooks across a huge range of subjects.
Make sure to take notes during live conferences
Many teachers are using live conferences during their lessons. It’s a good idea to take notes during these to look back on after your class is finished.
These notes will help structure your work and are a good reference for assignments, tasks and knowledge.
Make a study timetable and plan
Having a study timetable will help you stay organised and give your day some routine. A structure to your day is hugely beneficial and will allow you to focus.
Take scheduled breaks
Despite having to mostly stick to your college timetable, it’s important to utilise all of your breaks and take time to unwind.
Taking regular breaks between online lessons will help you to stay rested and focused, which will show in your work!
Make use of library resources online
Most people are surprised to find out that their local library offers a ton of resources online.
It’s quick and easy to sign up online and can really help support your learning and wellbeing during this time.
Take time to look after your mental health and wellbeing
It’s important to continue to look after your mental health and wellbeing. We find ourselves getting stressed more often at the moment and downtime alongside keeping focused on your college work can work wonders on boosting your mood.