Starting college is a really exciting time, as you meet new friends and move on from your old school to a new setting. But we also know that some people find it a little nerve-wracking. Which is why we are here to help you feel as prepared as you can for the start of term.
We’ve compiled this handy list of all the things you need to remember for September!
1 – What do you need to bring?
Don’t worry too much about knowing what to bring. This is what Connect to College Week, which starts on 5 September, is for. During this first week, you’ll receive your college ID and your timetable, and will find out what equipment you will be expected to bring to lessons. So, as long as you have a pen and something to make notes on, you’re all set for your first day!
However, if you’re starting to think about what device you’ll be doing your college work on, you’ll be pleased to know that we have teamed up with Academia and Dell for our Buy Your Own Device Scheme. This is to ensure that all our students have access to the right equipment that they need, even if they are not on site.
You can find out more about this scheme on our Starting in September page.
2 – Finding the College
It’s important that you know where to go on your first day so that you can be on time and account for any travel time.
You can find the campus at:
Banbury campus,
Broughton Road,
OX16 9QA
3 – First Day Arrangements
You’ll find all the information you need to know about where to go and when on your first day in the First Day Timetable.
On your first day we will guide you through a series of talks and activities designed to help you get to know your classmates and tutors and familiarise you with the campus.
Remember, we are always there to help! If you are not sure where you’re meant to be, head to reception and there’ll be someone there to point you in the right direction.
4 – Accessing Support
We have a wide range of support options available to make sure you have what you need at college. We offer careers support, financial support, learning support, pastoral support and more.
During Connect to College Week you’ll get a chance to meet people from all these areas and there are other activities planned throughout the year for you to talk through your support options. We always recommend that everyone thinks about their support needs before they start, so why not take some time to read about our student support before you get to college. This way, you can think about any questions you may have for us when you start.
5 – Keeping Yourself Safe
We want to make sure that you feel safe and comfortable in your environment here at college, so your safety and wellbeing is our priority. There are also some ways that you can make sure you keep yourself and others around you safe. We have put together this Keeping Yourself Safe leaflet with some key topics that we believe we should all be aware of in order to create a harmonious and welcoming environment for everyone on campus.
Remember we are always here to help if you have any concerns about yourself or one of your classmates. It’s always best to speak out, even if you’re unsure!
We hope you’ve enjoyed a well-earned break this summer and we look forward to seeing you around campus over the next few weeks.